Tuesday 19 February 2008


The poems I write are by Me.They are not by anyone else.Here it is:

Ding dong not so merrilly on high,
I think my brain's in heaven,
Ding dong stuck in my head the sky,
In my head the bells are ringing,
La la la la la laaa la la.
Just help me right now.

Sunday 17 February 2008

Meet me!(or find me)

This is a contest and all you have to do is find me in all three pictures,email me and say where you think I am(sending back the pic and circling me is the best option)and if you circled the right penguin (its Pinunpich)in all 3 pictures you get to meet me in Club Penguin (that is where I took the pictures)Planet Cazmo ,be my penpal and you might be able to work on my site!So here are the pictures:(all of the pics are up THERE now sorry it's really troublesome)


P.S the email is neolivinATgmailDOTcom (replace the AT and DOT with the signs @ and .)

Sunday 3 February 2008

Planet Cazmo

I just found a site called Planet cazmo!(Sorry for posting late but I found it WAY before I posted this) The Address is www.planetcazmo.com/
If you want to meet me my name is Libra.But you have to comment your name first and time you want to meet me and server.Then when it's been posted I will reply saying if I do want to meet you and we can meet!

Splittin out!


Saturday 2 February 2008

Some projects have to be done...

Yep,the title says it all.What the project is about? THIS BLOG!!!OK sorry for shouting but I'll be adding more cool stuff to this blog!The things I'm working on are listed at the bottom.

Here they are:
Adding a new poll every month
Adding a new theme every month
Getting a Sonific Songspot(if I could find the way through their site)
Having a blogroll

And lots more!!

Splitting out!

